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Trees earmarked for removal after risk assessment identified safety concerns

Four locations across the local government area have been identified for the removal of mature trees that are posing a significant safety risk to road users, property and pedestrians.

Our region, particularly our streetscapes and parks are the envy of many regional areas boasting one of the largest and diverse urban forests that provides all year round beauty and shade in the summer months. But with that beauty comes the challenges of managing ageing trees that have either succumbed to disease or have reached the end of their natural life.

General Manager James Roncon said it is unfortunate these trees have to be removed but safety of the community and road users must come first.

“A number of trees in some of these locations have already fallen causing damage to power-lines. Thankfully no one was hurt but it could have easily been a different story,” he said.

“Managing an extensive and ageing urban forest like ours is a cycle of removing trees and replanting every year. In our case many of the street trees were planted in the fifties and sixties and are starting to show their age or feel the effects of decay and disease.”

During the next two months the community will start seeing some of these trees being removed. The locations of the trees earmarked for removal include:

  • Uralla Road - adjacent to New England Girls’ School
    Removal –  11 Silver Poplars
  • New England Highway Black Mountain
    Removal – Four Poplar trees
  • MacDonald Park
    Removal – 60 dead or dying Elm trees (works have already commenced in this location)
  • Kentucky Street – Adjacent to the old Armidale Teachers’ College
    Removal – 19 Silver Poplars

“We don’t like it any more than you do, but rest assured we will be replanting with introduced species better suited to the location,” said Mr Roncon

“The nursery industry is still catching up due to COVID-19 lockdowns. Replacement stock that is available will be replanted during the winter months when it is more suitable for establishing trees and have been selected for their adaptability to the Armidale region climate and for their autumn colour.“

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