EPA Monitoring

The Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) introduced the new requirement that holders of an environment protection licence make their pollution monitoring data publicly available in a timely manner. The intention of this requirement is to improve the general public's access to information about the environmental performance of licensed facilities. This is in addition to other information that the EPA includes on its public register. 

Armidale Regional Council is the licensee of multiple environmental protection licences relating to water treatment and waste disposal.

Armidale Water Treatment Plant - License #2821
Location name: Armidale Water Treatment Plant
Location address: Arundel Drive, Armidale NSW 2350
Activity: Drinking Water Treatment

EPA Public register

Monitoring data Armidale Water Treatment Plant 04 as of June 2024 

Monitoring data Armidale Water Treatment Plant 07 June 2023 

Armidale Water Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 

Armidale Water Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Response Management Plan  

Armidale Waste Water Treatment Plant - Licence #1722

Location name: Armidale Waste Water Treatment Plant
Location address = 63 Cafferies Rd, Armidale NSW 2350
Activity = Sewage treatment processing by small plants

EPA Public Register link

Armidale Sewage Treatment Plant May 2024 - April 25 

Armidale Waste Water Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Armidale Sewage Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 

Armidale Sewage Treatment Plant - EPA Results - 2020/21 

Armidale Sewage Treatment Plant - EPA Results - 2021/22 

Armidale Sewage Treatment Plant - EPA Results - 2022/23 

Armidale Sewage Treatment Plant - EPA Results - 2023/24 

Guyra Waste Water Treatment Plant - Licence #1671

Licence holder: Armidale Regional Council
Location address: Guyra Waste Water Treatment Plant, 7776 Guyra Road, GUYRA, NSW, 2365

EPA Public Register link

Monthly Monitoring Data Guyra Sewage Treatment Plant June 2024 

Location Map and Past Four Years of Data 

Guyra Waste Water Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 

Guyra Sewage Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 

Armidale Solid Waste Landfill Facility - Licence #5860  
Location name - Armidale Solid Waste Landfill Facility
Location address - Long Swamp Road, Armidale, 2350
Activity - Composting, Waste disposal (application to land), Waste processing (non-thermal treatment), Waste storage

Monitoring Data Armidale Solid Waste Facility Long Swamp Road - Updated 18 July 2024 

Long Swamp Road Landfill Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

Armidale Regional Landfill - License #21362

Location name - Armidale Regional Landfill

Location address - Waterfall Way, Armidale, 2350

Activity - Waste disposal (application to land)

Monitoring data Armidale Regional Landfill Waterfall Way - Updated 9 April 2024

Monitoring data - Noise - June- Updated 5 July 2024 

Waste Complaints Register 2024 

Armidale Regional Landfill Pollution Incident Response Management Plan