If you require approval to conduct business on public land, direct or procure a theatrical, musical or other entertainment for the public (on community land), deliver a public address, hold a religious service or a community meeting (on community land), set up, operate or use a loudspeaker or sound amplifying device (on community land), install or operate amusement devices (on community land), for fee or reward, play a musical instrument or sing (on community land) and use a standing vehicle or any article for the purpose of selling any article in a public place you must apply for approval.
For both Armidale and Guyra areas - Application for S68 (Part D, E & F) approval form on Council's forms page.
Sports Field allocations
Applications for Sports Field allocations within the Armidale Dumaresq area for the Winter season commence on 1 March each year and for the Summer season on 1 September each year. Sporting organisations wishing to apply for an allocation for training or competition may do so by completing the application form (available below) and returning it to Council prior to the appropriate date.
Sports field allocations, hire and conditions of use
For sports field allocations, hire and conditions of use with the Guyra area please call 1300 136 833 or email Council.