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Reconciliation Week gathers community across the region

National Reconciliation Week prompted the community to gather at events across the region, including the annual ANTaR Reconciliation Bridge Walk in Armidale and a beautiful morning tea hosted by hosted by Guyra Preschool and Long Day Care Centre.

The Armidale Reconciliation Bridge Walk, organised by Armidale ANTaR has become an important part of our local calendar. It coincides with National Sorry Day and marks the beginning of National Reconciliation Week. Council is grateful for the opportunity to provide support.

Again this year, hundreds of people gathered to walk together across Stephen's Bridge. They heard from several speakers who shared their stories and insight, and participated in the community event which included a smoking ceremony and dance performance by Bob Blair, special performance by music trio Garlu Gindari (featuring Cathy Kelly, Des Ahoy, and Brian Zambrowski). Complimentary food was provided courtesy of Homes North Community Housing, headspace Armidale, and Coles Armidale.

One Reconciliation Week highlight in our region was a beautiful morning tea hosted by Guyra Preschool and Long Day Care Centre - an opportunity for stories, song, conversations, and shared cake! Amongst other things, the event demonstrated a wonderful ongoing relationship between the preschool and local Aboriginal Elders and community. Council is very grateful for the support and involvement of Mrs Nellie Blair, Mrs Brenda Landsborough, and Tremane Patterson.

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