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November Council meeting wrap-up

Our region’s future sustainability through SRV 

Council is a step closer to financial sustainability and unlocking the economic potential of the region after councillors endorsed to move forward with an application for a permanent Special Rate Variation (SRV) of 50% to be phased in over three years. A comprehensive report was presented at the meeting that included a Capacity to Pay Report, feedback, submissions and a Summary of Community Consultation Report and a Special Rate Survey Analysis. 

Approval was also sought to apply to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for an SRV of 50% (Including the rate peg) of the general rate component only (58.8% cumulative) phased in over a three year period commencing in the 2023-2024 financial year. 

Free mulch for the community 

Council voted to provide residents with a free load of mulch from either the Armidale or Guyra waste management facilities, starting on Saturday 26 November through until 18 December 2022. Our mulch is shredded green waste, which will benefit the soil and can save water, time and effort with pulling out weeds. Community groups will also be able to take advantage of the free mulch to prep up their gardens for the summer. The maximum amount for a community group is two loads or 16 cubic metres.

Project Zero30 community initiative

Council resolved to adopt the draft Renewable Energy Action Plan, after a period of public exhibition, which is a decisive step in our goal towards being carbon neutral (net zero emissions) by 2030 - otherwise known as Project Zero30. This goal will mean Council will examine all of its operations including its buildings and facilities energy consumption (both electricity and gas) as well as vehicles, plant and equipment. The Renewable Energy Action Plan recommends Council understands and control energy usage, such that energy efficiency measures can be undertaken to reduce the investment required to achieve 100% renewable consumption. 

Airport Café and Bike Rack Sculpture in the Armidale Mall

As part of Council’s initiatives to create a stronger, growing, liveable and connected region, one of the key pillars, Growing our Region group, are looking at getting the Airport Cafe up and running as soon as possible. The Liveable Region group are working with the Aboriginal Culture Centre & Keeping Place and Backtrack on a creative cooperation, including looking at how to use recycled materials to create unique sculptures, such as a Bike Rack sculpture in the Armidale Mall. 

Homes North to manage community housing in Guyra

Council currently operates two separate community housing facilities in Guyra. Council has now approved the transfer of management of the housing to Homes North, which is a local business and a representative of NSW Land and Housing. Homes North has extensive experience in this area of supporting people in the community with complex needs including those at risk or in crisis. 

For our sports enthusiasts 

The use of trails around Dumaresq Dam in Armidale and local roads by the Armidale Athletics Club to conduct the annual Duval Dam Busters Trail Run, was endorsed by Council. The trail run attracts up to 400 athletes from all over NSW to participate. Councillors encouraged the community to support this event and participate in the family run of 3km, 8km, 15km, 30km or for more serious, there is a capped 50 participants for the 50km run. The use of local roads for the use by Armidale Triathlon Club for the running and cycling legs of their annual race season was also endorsed. A contribution of $20,000 from the Sports Council Sports Development Fund has been approved for the purchase of new safe compliant soccer goal posts for multiple Council fields. 

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