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Kerb and gutter renewal program rolls-out across the city

Small inroads are being made in addressing Council’s extensive asset renewal backlog with the commencement of a $400k kerb and gutter program in Dumaresq Street from Wednesday 15 June.

Council’s difficult financial position has meant a number of important capital renewal programs have either not been prioritised or not undertaken for many years. The renewal of essential infrastructure like kerb and guttering is vital in ensuring the city’s urban road network is maintained and fit for purpose. Council staff have undertaken a significant review of the roads network and have focused on reinstating some of our regular renewal programs.

General Manager James Roncon said that past decisions to not fund some of our ongoing renewal programs on our roads network were made because of our precarious financial position.

“Even though the kerb and gutter renewal program was postponed for financial reasons in the past, unfortunately that decision has a long term impact,” said Mr Roncon

“Our assets and finance teams have worked very hard to identify efficiencies in other areas of our operations and redirect council funds to reinstate some of our renewal programs across our rural and urban roads network.

“We still have a huge financial shortfall to adequately manage our assets at the level they need to be maintained however we have managed to focus on some of the worst sections and problem areas on our urban and rural roads.”

The kerb and gutter program will commence in the CBD on Dumaresq Street between Hungry Jacks and Dangar Street. Followed by Rusden Street between Dangar and Faulkner Streets and identified streets across the city. The program is expected to take approximately three months, weather permitting. Traffic management will be in place and there may be minor delays. Further information on the program is available on the Works and Projects page on the council website.

Property owners and residents in streets identified for renewal will be notified before work is scheduled to commence.

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