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Vicar wins Autumn Festival photography competition

A minister from Guyra has taken out first prize in Armidale Regional Council’s inaugural Autumn Festival photography competition with a glorious image of his church surrounded by golden Autumn leaves.

Tim Stevens - the vicar from Guyra Anglican Church – said he took the photo on his iPhone in May last year and was delighted to win the competition and $500 prize.

“I’ve always had a love of nature and landscape photography,” said Tim.

“We love the autumn in the New England because the colour just explodes everywhere for a few weeks. During autumn, each Saturday I help tidy up the grounds of our church before our Sunday service.

"On this Saturday afternoon, the sunset was hitting the yellow, orange, and red leaves in the maple trees that line our church property, making the colour explode. I couldn’t resist but take my iPhone out to capture it."

The competition saw enthusiastic participation from photographers across the region with more than 90 entries. The competition captured the essence of autumn, showcasing the breathtaking hues and picturesque landscapes that define the New England region during this season.

Other place getters included: 2nd prize Kate Reynolds with a sunset shot with a post and rail fence in the foreground; 3rd prize Libby Martin with a photo of dew on autumn leaves; and Highly Commended going to Ashleigh Smith with a landscape image of autumn poplars and other trees.

The school aged winners included Aryannah Moore and Travis Morgan with their autumn inspired foliage photos.

A collection of the photos can be viewed at the Armidale Airport, in the Armidale Mall Saturday May 18 as part of the wider Big Chill Events, and in the Armidale Regional Council foyer throughout April and May.


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