Families are now able to borrow toys from a new collection available at Guyra Library.
This innovative resource aims to help alleviate the strain of living costs and will offer a diverse array of toys and games at no cost to local families.
Guyra Library members can access the free service, and membership is also free.
Kate Cefai, Armidale Regional Council’s Acting Library Team Leader said they are excited about the new toy collection.
“It really is a great service to offer local families,” she said.
“It means families can change toys on a regular basis and offer more enrichment play opportunities for their children.
“Borrowing from the toy collection also means you are not constantly buying new toys that kids get bored playing with after a few weeks!
“We think this will be a very popular resource among our family members and provide children with new and innovative toys/objects to assist in the development of their social wellbeing and fine motor skills.”
It is free to join the Guyra Library and toys can be borrowed during its standard opening hours Monday to Friday 10am - 5pm and Saturday 10am - 1pm.
Published on 03 Apr 2024