"Prior to the Christmas break, the Council was forced to terminate the lease of its Tip Shop contractor.
Given the time of the year, this is an action the Council did not take lightly.
As was stated at the time, this action was initiated by ARC on the grounds of public safety.
Out of respect for the former lessees, ARC took a minimalist approach to the amount of information it disclosed.
Over the past few weeks, it seems debate has raged on this action, with all sorts of speculation and conspiracy theories being offered regarding the council's actions and its intent.
ARC does not and will not act punitively in any such matters, and where it becomes aware of a public safety matter, it cannot turn a blind eye to such events; it must act.
While the source and fuel for the speculation and conspiracy theories are unknown, we offer you this.
If the former lessees wish to make contact with ARC and provide their written consent to ARC, allowing it to disclose in greater detail the reasons for the termination of the contract, we would be only too happy to set the record straight."
~ James Roncon, General Manager, Armidale Regional Council
Published on 08 Jan 2024