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Heal, Thrive, Belong. Make your next medical career move to Armidale

Bushwalking, kangaroos and excellent schools are just some of the attractions GPs from Armidale have cited as drawcards in a video aimed at attracting new medical professionals to the region.

The video called Heal, Thrive, Belong. Make your next medical career move to Armidale, Australia – was produced by Armidale Regional Council and launched at the WONCA conference in Sydney last week, attended by 4000 local and international GPs and family physicians.

Dr Salma Ali, who moved to Armidale in 2016, was one of the GPs featured in the video and said one of the benefits of working in a regional area like Armidale was that you really got to know your patients well.

“It’s a very accepting multi-cultural place,” said Dr Ali. “Everyone knows you in Armidale. You care for them and they care for you. We don’t ever feel bored here there is always something new – a life to save a complex case to solve and you get to know your patients so well versus in the city when they are in and out very quickly.

“Living in a regional area has given us the chance to try things we have never done before. I don’t think I have ever done bushwalking before I moved to Armidale. One of the main attractions here in Armidale is the quiet, calm nature – the bushwalks and I love the views. I just love taking the kids up to the UNE to see the kangaroos.

“For new GPs Armidale is a really good opportunity for them because there is a beautiful life work balance and the working environment is amazing.

”Dr James Meyer, who works at Integral Health, said one of the biggest attractions for him to move to Armidale was because it was known as an “education hub” with many great schooling options for his kids.

“There is also a thriving performing arts community and the culture here is really lovely,” he said.

“Another benefit is you will be really welcomed by the community they will not take you for granted.

”Mayor Sam Coupland welcomed the video saying: “The Armidale region has so much to offer. Health professionals are a highly valued resource in our community, if you are thinking of making the move, do it!

Dr Michelle Guppy, Secretary and Treasurer, New England Division of General Practice and Associate Professor, Acting Head of School of Rural Medicine, UNE attended WONCA and said there was considerable interest in the video and the Armidale area.

“We had lots of people visiting the stand and I’ve just had a chat with some GPs from the Philippines looking for a job in Australia,” she said.

The video was produced with the assistance of:

• Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (PHN)
• New England General Practice Research Network (NEGPRN)
• Armidale Hospital
• UNE School of Rural Medicine
• NSW Department of Regional NSW
• Integral Health - Dr James Meyer
• Armidale Medical Centre - Dr Salma Ali

The video can be viewed here!






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