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Guyra preschool graduates top of the class

Guyra Preschool and Long Day Care Centre recently celebrated the successful graduation of its 2023 class in a heartwarming ceremony.

Parents, friends, and educators gathered at the Guyra Bowling Club to witness the children’s transition from preschool to the next chapter in their education at ‘Big School’ in 2024.

“Parents were visibly moved as they watched their children receiving well-deserved diplomas, marking the significant end to their early childhood education,” said educator Bec Wilison.

“It is always a bittersweet time of year for educators. We are so proud and excited for the children as they move on in their journey, but we also shed a little tear as we will miss our ‘big kids’. Some of these kids have been with us since they were tiny babies. We’ve watched them learn to walk and talk and master exciting things like writing their own name. We will miss their smiling faces at the Centre.

“Armidale Regional Council (ARC) alongside the Guyra PreSchool and Long Day Care Centre takes pride in fostering a nurturing environment that encourages curiosity, learning and social development. The success of this year’s preschool graduation is a testament to the dedicated educators, supportive parents, and the incredible young graduates. We wish you all the best in 2024!”

The graduating class of 2023: Amarlie Deaves, Aria Vidler, Avery Brettle, Baxter Gray, Bradley Shortt, Corey Alefosio, Fletcher Cleaver, Hudson Hoy, Jayda Franey, Kailyn Dittman, Lawson Yates, Layla McElroy, Locky Heagney, Nash Cameron, Paityn Orchard, Solomone Ale, Tyde Kennedy, Violet Atkin.

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