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Highlights of the August 25 Ordinary Council Meeting


Click here to view the agenda. (PDF 19.2MB)

Council calls for Federal climate commitment
Council will call on the Federal Government to commit to a 45% decrease in greenhouse emissions by 2030 (as considered essential by the IPCC to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees and avoid the serious consequences outlined in the IPCC report). In addition, Council is asking the Federal Government to commit to achieving zero net emissions by 2050.

Hydrotherapy pool debate continues
Council is requesting advice as to why Hunter New England Health is not taking responsibility for the operational costs of Hydrotherapy services in Armidale despite it contributing to operational costs of Hydrotherapy services in other places within the Hunter New England health area.

Public Forums to be live-streamed
Presentations and 'Have your Say' sessions held before council meetings will be live-streamed for the benefit of community members who can’t attend in person.

Wood heater education key to reducing emissions
Council will explore funding options to undertake a Healthy Winter Air education program to teach people about alternative home heating solutions and how to operate a wood heater efficiently. It’s hoped this will lead to a decrease in wood smoke pollution during the cooler months.

Changes to parking time limits on hold
COVID-19 restrictions have once again delayed the implementation of changes to CBD parking time limits. The current restriction on travel from Victoria means for the foreseeable future, the parking contractors will not be able to alter the parking sensors to allow implementation of the new time frames.

Homes North partnership to improve waste disposal and education
A new partnership between Council and Homes North will help social housing tenants to dispose of bulk waste in a way that will maximise the amount of waste diverted from landfill, and reduce the aesthetic issues and adverse health impacts of local hoarding and illegal dumping. The program will be trialled for 12 months.

Alcohol free zones extended
The existing alcohol free zones in Armidale and Guyra will be continued for another four years. To see the full list of the region’s alcohol free zones, see page 67 of the agenda.

Public Works Advisory to manage the Armidale Creeklands Restoration
The NSW Public Works Advisory will project manage the $3,000,000 Armidale Creeklands Restoration project. This project involves the rehabilitation of Dumaresq Creek behind the Monkton Aquatic Centre and aims to restore natural values of the creek while improving the amenity and connectivity of the precinct.

Guyra preschool fees waived during lockdown
Gap fees (fees not covered by the Federal Government) paid by families who can’t attend the preschool due to the stay at home order will be waived for the duration of the current lockdown.
Council also approved changes to fees for the calendar year beginning January 2022. To see these changes, see page 96 of the

We want your thoughts...

To see what’s currently on public exhibition and to have your say on the important issues affecting the region, visit yoursay.armidale.nsw.gov.au

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