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What's On
Marks are Memories: Selected Indigenous works from the Moule Collection
10am - 4pm Armidale local Professor Alex Moule and his artist wife, Dr Judy-Ann Moule, have a deep appreciation and interest in Australian Indigenous art. This interest was sparked nearly 20 years ago and since then they have forged strong connections to artists and gallerists in various communities and have assembled a significant private collection. Marks are Memories delves into the breadth of this collection and celebrates not just the rich artistic oeuvre of contemporary indigenous art but also acknowledges the meaningful journey the Moules have undertaken while developing their collection. Image credit: Richard Bell, From Prometheus to Epimetheus (Bell’s Theorem) 2011, acrylic on linen. Courtesy of the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane.
'HISTORICAL RELICS' Competition and Exhibition
We are looking for the most interesting HISTORICAL RELICS with connections to Armidale 1863 - 1963. Choose a treasure from your collection, write about its history and importance, attach an A4 image, complete an entry form and submit to ADHS between July16 and August 20. Short list of 10 most interesting will be judged with prize winners announced at an opening function September 20th. Prizes $200, $100, $50 + ADHD membership. All the details and entry forms from ADHS, Council, Library, Folk Museum and Visitors Info Centre. Exhibition then open until November 29.
The Titled Lens
10am - 4pm A photographic exhibition by Katherina Norton A photographic exhibition by Katherina Norton. Reality versus perception in photographs. What if the reality we perceive differs from what exists? The reality we live in, does not always correspond to the real world or what others might see. What we see is a clever construction of the brain's guesses. Guesses that are obscured by a sensory veil and revealed to our minds through the complex mechanisms of perception. Perceptions that are visual illusions, as well as transient glimpses of objective reality and deeper truth.
Opening of Community Art Exhibition
The opening of this Community Art Exhibition is also the opening of a month of 17 events in Armidale. HAND-IN-HAND Peace with Justice, starting with the Barney Street Band in the Mall from 1:30pm. The exhibition will continue until the 14th of September, weekdays from 10am-4pm and Saturdays from 9am-1pm. All other events are one-offs. Several HAND-IN-HAND EVENTS are regular monthly gatherings, like Skeptics in the Pub and the Armidale Urban River Care working bee; others were specially designed, like the Poetry for Peace at Bookbooks on 22nd of August, Unfinished Business at the Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Keeping Place on the 29th, Peace Through Non-Violence at the New England Hotel on 30th of August, and a HAND-IN-HAND Free Concert, in the Mall on 13 September. All events are open to everyone, although a few require registration. Sixteen are free. Full program:
10am - 4pm OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE links objects and artworks to investigate universal themes such as love, vanity, motherhood, mourning, adornment and more. A collaboration between the New England Regional Art Museum and the University of New England’s Museum of Antiquities, the exhibition also includes thought provoking texts by ten experts, drawing out the themes and giving their own unique perspectives, resulting in an absorbing exploration of ideas and viewpoints. Co-curated by Alina Kozlovski (UNE), Belinda Hungerford (NERAM), and Bronwyn Hopwood (UNE) with texts written by Matthew Allen, James Brooks, Penny Craswell, Lily Dedman, Mahalath Halperin, Felicity Joseph, Peter Langston, Jennifer McDonell, Siobhan O’Hanlon, and Lou Streeting. A partnership with the University of New England. Image credit: Garrett Kingsley, Eighteen, 1942. Oil on board. Gift of Howard Hinton 1943. Sponsored by John & Barbara Beynon in 2021 for the Adopt An Artwork Program.
Spring at Saumarez Homestead
10am - 4pm Don't miss the delightful array of spring flowers and birdsong in the gardens at Saumarez Homestead. Currently making a comeback are the tulips in Mary's Garden, blossom galore, peonies, wisteria, sparaxis, iris and more. Bring your furry friend and a picnic to enjoy on the lawns in the shade of our centenarian trees. Open Sundays 10.00am - 4.00pm - tickets at the property or on Eventbrite.
4:30pm - 8:30pm HAND-IN-HAND Peace with Justice event, celebrating our community. Concert on the Mall stage. Great line-up of local performers – Pacific Islanders Women’s Choir -- Khaleel Meerza-Jundi - Jillari Faulkner -- Kath Waters -- Buddy Knox -- Altones -- Skele Jay * ROCK * BLUES * * COUNTRY * RAP * * EZIDI * FOLK * * HIP-HOP * ISLANDER Seating - Food stalls – Kids Activities - Dancing This is a concert for everyone. For people whose ancestors have been here for tens of thousands of years; people whose families settled in the last two hundred years; those who came this century; and those who are passing through. We can all enjoy our music together.
TAS Middle School Production
6pm - 7:30pm TAS Middle School Presents: Robin Hood and the Unnecessary Rescue By David Neilson Tickets can be purchased by following the link:
AYF Monster Garage Sale
8.30am-12noon @ Armidale District Baptist Church, 124 Jessie Street, Armidale Items for sale will include: collectibles & books, CDs, furniture & toys, coffee & cakes, kitchenware, electricals, manchester and nik-naks of every variety. Come along and enjoy the fun!
TAS Middle School Production
6pm - 7:30pm TAS Middle School Presents: Robin Hood and the Unnecessary Rescue By David Neilson Tickets can be purchased by following the link:
Goldner String Quartet
3pm - 5pm The Goldner String Quartet has longstanding recognition, not only as Australia's pre-eminent string quartet but as an ensemble of international significance, favourably compared with the best in the world. Join us for their final concert season as they bring the 30-year Goldner String Quartet journey to a close. Program: Mozart, Shostakovich, Beethoven Tickets:
3pm - 5pm, HAND-IN-HAND Peace with Justice Final event The upland wetlands of the Northern Tablelands are special places, and Racecourse Lagoon on the edge of Uralla is one of these. For the final event of this month of community, cultural and thoughtful events, Maxine Ross suggested that we gather at the picnic area at Racecourse Lagoon, learn briefly how to respond to the environment by writing a haiku*, then wander and wonder at our beautiful tablelands environment and maybe write and share a ‘haiku’? It's very informal, and we can then gather on the rocks and have a hot cuppa (tea or chai will be provided). Bring a chair if you like. Everyone welcome (the haiku is not compulsory) *A haiku is a poem written in a form or style inspired by Japanese haiku --- typically short poems often referencing the natural environment.
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Saumarez Homestead
Visit beautiful, historic Saumarez Homestead with friends and family throughout the Spring and Summer season to enjoy the extensive gardens and take a guided tour of the Homestead. From 18 September, Saumarez Homestead house and gardens will be open Wednesday, Friday & Sunday from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Guided tours of the inside of the Homestead are on Wednesday at 10.30am; Friday at 10.30am and Sundays at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm. Tickets can be purchased at the property or on Eventbrite - we recommend pre-purchase of guided tour tickets to avoid disappointment. Access to the inside of the Homestead is by guided tour only. The National Trust is Australia's leading heritage conservation organisation and a registered charity.
OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE | Stories from the Field
6pm - 7:30pm Coinciding with NERAM’s current exhibition OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE join us for Stories from the Field, a night of archaeologists sharing their curious adventures, spills and thrills of working in the field… listen at your own risk!!! Speakers include: Professor Martin Gibbs – A field team digs on its stomach: the gastronomic challenges of archaeological research Professor Lloyd Weeks – Backfilling for Pottsie: the strange places a ‘just say yes’ policy can take a humble grad student Adjunct Professor June Ross – Raiders of the Lost Art: rose coloured glasses and the desert Bookings are required:
UNE Chamber Ensemble - Spring Concert
7pm - 8pm Students studying at UNE are offered a free programme where they may continue to exercise their skill and interest in Music performance and meet like minded Musicians as well. This programme is administered through Austin Page College but open to all students. In past years we have hosted a variety of ensembles such as String ensembles, Jazz ensembles, Recorder Consorts, Brass Quartets to name a few. We host two concerts each year and the recent Winter concert was a great success presented to an appreciative audience including many from the Armidale community. Our final concert for the year is the "Spring" Concert to be held in Lazenby Hall 18th September 7.00pm-8.00pm with drinks and nibbles in the foyer following the concert. Admission $10 The programme will feature the UNE Vocal Ensemble, UNE Clarinet Trio and Soloists including Violinist James Chen who is a Graduate from the Royal Academy of Music London. You are invited to join us and celebrate t
New England Power Purchase Agreement Workshop
12pm - 2pm Are you looking to switch to renewable electricity for your business or council? Join our Renewable Energy Training Workshops coming to New England soon. When: Thursday 12 September, 12pm - 2pm Where: TBA - Hear from regional companies & industry experts that have purchased renewable electricity via PPA. - Learn how your businesses can benefit from low-cost renewable electricity, reduce emissions and share the benefits of renewable energy projects with regional communities. - Understand your options, how a PPA works, and what is most suitable for your business. Lunch is provided, and admission is free. Please register here:
Stan Grant presents Frank Archibald Memorial Lecture 2024
5:30pm - 7:30pm Stan Grant is a renowned journalist, author, moral philosopher, thinker, film maker and communicator. He has had a ground breaking four decade career as one of Australia’s most awarded journalists. A Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi and Dharrawal man, Stan has blazed a trail for First Nations journalists. In a career of firsts he was the first Indigenous Political Correspondent, the first Indigenous Foreign Correspondent, he was the first Indigenous person to present a prime time commercial television news and current affairs program. Attend in person or join via ZOOM webinar UNE’s Frank Archibald Memorial Lecture has been held as part of university’s calendar since 1986 and is dedicated to Frank Archibald, his family and Aboriginal people of the New England region. The Lecture is presented by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander speakers who are le
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Historical Relics Exhibition
Grand opening at 7pm, 20 September @ Dumaresq Chambers, Faulkner Street Armidale Then, exhibition is open week days 10am-4pm! This exhibition is the culmination of the Historic Relics Competition - the ten finalists from the many wonderful entries received. The items will be displayed with other related memorabilia to give them context in Armidale's history. The evening will begin at 6:30pm with wine and nibbles for the 7pm Official Opening and announcement of the three prize winners. Everyone is welcome to visit Dumaresq Chambers to view the exhibition which will be open week days from 10am to 4pm until November 29th.
Travels with Gulliver II
10am - 4pm This exhibition showcases works by 18 artists currently students of the much loved Kerry Gulliver’s class, Drawing, Painting and Mixed Media, at NERAM. Kerry’s expert guiding hand has encouraged participants to explore a wide range of styles and interests. The exhibition includes traditional watercolours, acrylics and oils, and vibrant contemporary works employing mixed media and abstraction. Exhibiting Artists: Anita Brown, Corinne Buckland, Kerry Dunne, Anna Freijs, Jennifer Hatte, Kathy Jenkins, Agness Knapik, Patsy Moon, Wendy Phillips, Jackie Reid, Jenny Rindfleish, Annie Ross, Alison Starr, Shirley Tier, Jane Turner, Jim Walmsley, Tracy Wayling & Sandra Welsman. Official Opening 2pm, Saturday 21 September
Impressions of HIGH COUNTRY
10am - 4pm An exhibition by Oliver Kas. This exhibition might be more appropriately titled ‘First Impressions of Highcountry’. Having just recently moved to Armidale and the New England region, these works seek to capture the initial response to what makes this area unique. There is a distinctive feel to the light in the thin atmosphere, the pace of life and ever-changing colours of the seasonal landscape. This is well suited to watercolour, which has an unmatched ability to capture light and movement as a transparent medium. Each work seeks to distil a subject into its most basic elements of light and shadow and thus achieve a freshness and liveliness through simplicity. Ofiicial Opening: Saturday 21 September @ 2pm
National Seniors Australia Armidale Branch
10am - 12pm National Seniors Armidale Branch meets at the Armidale Bowling Club at 10 am on the third Friday of each month. We have Guest Speakers at every meeting talking about a range of topics. Cost of admission is $6 per person which includes morning tea. National Seniors members, and visitors welcome. Bookings are essential for catering and seating purposes and should be done no later than the Wednesday before the meeting. If you are interested in coming to our meeting please call Bob on 0409 270 634.
'Give a Sheet' recycling day
9am - 3pm @ Armidale Waste Management Facility Does your linen closet need a good spring clean? Armidale Regional Council will be holding a ‘Give a Sheet’ linen recycling day at the Armidale Waste Transfer Station on Saturday, 21 September 2024. Council is partnering with BlockTexx - a company that specialises in textile recovery technologies - so residents can recycle their unwanted linen. Every year in Australia, almost one million tonnes of textile waste ends up in landfill and global textile waste is predicted to hit 140 million tonnes by 2030. All linen donations will be collected by BlockTexx to be converted into valuable, high-grade materials that can be used by Australian manufacturers to create new products such as hydro-mulch, fertiliser, shopping baskets and geosynthetic fabrics.
PBR Monster Energy Tour Armidale Invitational
4pm - 10pm A battle of the greatest. A competition of man vs beast where every second counts. The best in bull riding battle it out in a new Professional Bull Riders season like no other. Join us for a premier entertainment experience at the PBR Monster Energy Tour Armidale Invitational on the 21st of September. Buckle up for the toughest 8 seconds in sports. Children 3 years and under are free of charge. Get your tickets here: Call 02 9285 8040 or email to book tickets with a companion card or to get more information about accessible seating. EVENT DETAILS: Gates: 4:00pm Junior Academy: 5:00pm PBR Main Event: 7:00pm PROHIBITED ITEMS: The following items are prohibited at the event: DSLR Cameras Outside food or beverage (only sealed water bottles will be permitted) Umbrellas Alcohol Chairs Animals Eskies
Bushdance @ Kentucky Hall
5pm - 9pm The Big Hairy Bush Dance Band is playing for a great night of bush dancing to support Kentucky School's Parents and Friends Committee. There will be dinner available for purchase. This event is suitable for all ages. Tickets are $15 adults, $10 child or $45 for a family. For further information, contact Kath on 0412 351 792
PBR Monster Energy Tour
7pm - 10pm A sport unlike any other. A battle of the greatest. A competition of man vs beast where every second counts. The best in bull riding battle it out in a new Professional Bull Riders season like no other. Tickets:
Manilla Solar – Community Engagement Roadshow@Guyra
1pm - 2:30pm What is the Manilla Solar Project? The Manilla Solar Project is a community-led 4.5 MW solar project with a battery of 5 to 10 MWh storage, to be located 2 km to the South of the Manilla substation, on the Calokerinos property. It will be hosted on 15 ha of land, and it will have a life span of 25 years, with an option for another 10 years. It will power approx 2500 homes. Manilla Solar aims to be 100% community owned, and we expect that it will be funded through a combination of equity investment, government grant funding and possibly a loan. We invite you to invest up to $10,000 in October 2024 when the Manilla Solar crowd raise opens. 100% community investment gives the project the best ability to share financial returns through community initiatives. Our ambition is to build a model of community ownership and share our blueprint with other communities across the New England /North West. Would you or your organisation like to know more? Come along to one of our
Manilla Solar - Community Engagement Roadshow@Armidale
4pm - 5:30pm The Manilla Solar Project is a community-led 4.5 MW solar project with a battery of 5 to 10 MWh storage, to be located 2 km to the South of the Manilla substation, on the Calokerinos property. It will be hosted on 15 ha of land, and it will have a life span of 25 years, with an option for another 10 years. It will power approx 2500 homes. Manilla Solar aims to be 100% community owned, and we expect that it will be funded through a combination of equity investment, government grant funding and possibly a loan. We invite you to invest up to $10,000 in October 2024 when the Manilla Solar crowd raise opens. Our ambition is to build a model of community ownership and share our blueprint with other communities across the New England /North West. Would you or your organisation like to know more? Come along to one of our presentations or arrange a meeting by contacting: Emma Stilts on: 0407 43 55 85 or Monique Johnson on: 0433 448 093 or email:
Misa a Buenos Airies
7:30pm - 9pm MisaTango or Misa a Buenos Aires ("Mass in Buenos Aires") gained much notoriety when it was performed in Rome in October 2013, in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola, during the International Festival of Music and Sacred Art in the Vatican. The MisaTango was chosen that year to pay homage to the enthronement of the former cardinal of Buenos Aires who became Pope Francis in 2013, in reference to the Argentine origins of this former Tango dancer. Created 20 years ago by the Argentinian composer Martín Palmeri, MisaTango is a choral mass on Tango sounds. It is composed on the same movements as a mass in classical Latin, in which the harmonics and syncopated rhythms of tango are mixed. Fiori Musicali’s performance will include Leanne Roobol as soloist, and an ensemble featuring James Chen, India Smith, Alma Kanety, Stephen Tafra, Arlene Fletcher and Robyn Bradley. The conductor is Stuart Pavel.
Skeptics In The Pub
6pm - 9pm @ The Railway Hotel, Armidale Armidale’s Steve Neill will be guest speaker at Skeptics In The Pub on Tuesday September 24 at The Railway Hotel in Rusden St. His presentation, The Migration Paradox – The Five Key Myths of Migration, will examine the false narrative that Australia’s migration system is broken. Stephen is recently retired Chief Operations Officer for Settlement Services International, (SSI), an influential and effective not-for-profit agency which last year helped 56,000 people, across 59 specialised programs, including here in Armidale. Steve has worked at the coalface of immigration and has hands-on experience at the real-world operational level. Skeptics In The Pub is a free event, open to everyone. Arrive at 6pm. Order and pay for dinner and drinks and sit back to hear Steve's presentation, followed by a lively discussion. The group is affiliated with Australian Skeptic Inc and aims to promote critical thinking, reason, ethics, logic, and the scientifi
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Let's Paint - Trees
1pm - 4pm Discover the keys to painting figurative landscapes and trees in this 10 week course with Tess Cullen. If you have dreamt of painting more realistic scenes but weren’t sure where to start or how to get the results you want then. Join this class a learn the skills you need to know to be able to incorporate realism into your works. Mastering trees in the landscape is one of the keys to incorporating realism into your paintings. Tess will take you through the fundamentals of painting in either oils or acrylics. We will cover colour mixing, where to begin - underpainting and then layering the painting and letting the eye be drawn to a focal point of your choice within the design. Throughout the course designed for beginners and intermediate painters, you will guided step by step to grow your artistic skills and deepen your knowledge with the intention of learning to paint what you see. Tess Cullen is a landscape painter with over 40 years experience in painting and t
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Leonard Cohen: His Life, Ladies and Lovers Show
2:30pm - 4pm LEONARD COHEN: His Life, Ladies and Lovers. This spellbinding Leonard Cohen biographical cabaret is written and performed by the "simply brilliant" Jonathan Anstock. This exceptional show, where Cohen's presence is truly palpable, features many of his iconic songs punctuated by stories of his life, ladies and lovers. His poetry-writing, song-writing, drug use, sex life, spiritual searching, depressive episodes, political thought and eventual peace are also exposed. Cohen's "Hallelujah" has being recorded by 300 artists. He was inducted into the RocknRoll Hall of fame in 2009. "Leonard Cohen revealed his soul to the world through poetry and song—his deep and timeless humanity touching our very core. Simply brilliant." "Jonathan Anstock absolutely nails this performance. Simply brilliant". "I truly ‘forgot’ I was watching Jonathan ... and felt like that was 'Leonard' on stage .." “I was deeply moved. You touched the depths of my heart."
Australian Orienteering Champoinships
Leonard Cohen: His Life, Ladies and Lovers Show
7pm - 8:30pm LEONARD COHEN: His Life, Ladies and Lovers. This spellbinding Leonard Cohen biographical cabaret is written and performed by the "simply brilliant" Jonathan Anstock. This exceptional show, where Cohen's presence is truly palpable, features many of his iconic songs punctuated by stories of his life, ladies and lovers. His poetry-writing, song-writing, drug use, sex life, spiritual searching, depressive episodes, political thought and eventual peace are also exposed. Cohen's "Hallelujah" has being recorded by 300 artists. He was inducted into the RocknRoll Hall of fame in 2009. "Leonard Cohen revealed his soul to the world through poetry and song—his deep and timeless humanity touching our very core. Simply brilliant." "Jonathan Anstock absolutely nails this performance. Simply brilliant". "I truly ‘forgot’ I was watching Jonathan ... and felt like that was 'Leonard' on stage .." “I was deeply moved. You touched the depths of my heart."
Sunday Markets in the Mall
8am - 1pm Experience live music and a variety of stalls offering a huge range of quality handmade and handcrafted items, cupcakes, candles, bath and body products, skincare and makeup, handmade clothing, bags, shoes, linen, pottery, woodwork, plants, art, homewares, toys, puppets, stamping and scrap booking plus so much more.
Music on as Market Sunday - Recorders, voice and harp
12:30pm - 1pm Music for recorder, voice and harp in 29 September Market Sunday Concert The Music on a Market Sunday concert on 29 September at 12:30pm in the Armidale Uniting Church will feature music for recorder, voice and harp performed by Cecile Michels and Benjamin Thorn. It will include music from the Baroque to the present by among others Dornel, Chaminade, Eccles, Tattersall and Thorn. Cecile and Benjamin have performed together for over twenty years and this is a good opportunity to hear two of Armidale’s leading musicians. Admission to the concert is free, though donations are encouraged. Tea and sausages will be available at the Uniting Church before the concert.
Spring School Holiday Program @ Armidale Regional Libraries
Armidale Regional Libraries are running a great program of spring school holiday activities and opportunities - at Armidale Library and Guyra Library! Check out the program here: Reach out to the library team to find out more - or to book in! - Armidale Library - 1/182 Rusden Street, Armidale. Phone: 6770 3636 - Guyra Library - 158 Bradley Street, Guyra. Phone: 6770 7123
10am-4pm @ MPD Studios, 201 Dangar Street Armidale Two days of music mentoring for Armidale young people with Mad Proppa Deadly and APRA AMCOS featuring deadly hitmaking mentors Tia Gostelow, Hylander and producer Dimes. Msg Nate on 0455 859 979 to register or sign up here -
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Author Talk and Book Launch: Chris Hammer, 'The Valley'
12.30pm @ Armidale Library Australian author Chris Hammer will be in Armidale to share his new book 'The Valley'. Join us in conversation at the library! Book in by dropping into Armidale Library, or phone 6770 3636.
Forum - Ezidi Settlement in Armidale
5:30pm - 7pm Following the rise of ISIS in Iraq, many Ezidi people were displaced as they fled from the terror that took over their homelands. More than 500,000 Ezidis found refuge in camps. Thousands have now been resettled around the world including Australia. How has Ezidi settlement in Armidale progressed? What barriers exist and how can they be overcome? A panel of experts will answer your questions. Panel Salam Qaro: Community Development Project Officer / STARTTS Armidale NSW Service for the treatment and Rehabilitation for Torture and Trauma Survivors Madan Narayanamurthy: Mosaic Multicultural Connections Peter Lloyd: The Rotary Club of Armidale Lucinda Wright: Armidale Sanctuary Humanitarian Settlement Everyone interested is invited. This is a free event. No need to register - just turn up and bring your friends Organised by New England Visions 2030 Institute - a futurist Think Tank concerned with the economic development and social well-being of our region.
Guyra TroutFest
TroutFest features Children's Clinics, TroutFishing competition over the weekend, street market Saturday 5th October, Art Show and Book Fair from 3rd to 7th October, the Metal to Master Piece Exhibition among the vintage Cars, music and lots of children's activities on Saturday 5th including 'Find the Fish' for a prize. Two local gardens will be open on Saturday and three on Sunday. The full program will be available on our web page from August 31st. See our Facebook page for regular updates
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Guyra Trout Festival Market @ Poetry Hall of Fame
8am - 2pm Stall bookings are being taken for the Guyra Trout Festival market on the 5th of October from 8am to 2pm. The market will be held indoors at the Australian Poetry Hall of Fame, protected from the weather. Get in soon to secure your spot by calling James 0423 478 656 or email
Cold Chisel, The 50th Anniversary Tour
1.30pm - 9.30pm @ Petersons Winery and Guest House Cold Chisel kicks off its 50th anniversary tour in Armidale! The golden anniversary tour will begin on Saturday, 5 October in Armidale, where Cold Chisel based themselves back in 1974-1975 while Don Walker completed his university studies. "The Big Five-0” will be a night like no other. This time, the band isn’t touring to promote a new album; they are touring for the best possible reason … “because we all love playing gigs together”. Their anniversary provides scope for a show that features all the classic songs with which Cold Chisel carved their unique place in Oz Rock history..." Cold Chisel will be joined by special guests including 'The Cruel Sea' and 'Birds of Tokyo'. More information and tickets:
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Manna Institute Town Hall event for World Mental Health Day
Join the conversation at Manna Institute’s first Town Hall event, on World Mental Health Day. This forum is open to people working on the frontline, in community services, for not-for-profits, councils, schools, UNE and those with Lived and Living Experiences of mental ill-health and their carers. People are encouraged to be part of a thoughtful discussion about mental health needs in the New England. Find out more, and RSVP
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Creative Writing Workshop
6pm - 8:30pm Object biofictions: creative writing and archaeology (free) Participate in an interdisciplinary workshop which combines archaeology, creative writing, and digital media! Learn about an ancient object and fill in the gaps in its story with your own imagination. We will use digital models and 3D prints along the way, helping us create microfictions that can live on the object itself. At the end of the workshop, you’ll be invited to participate in a research project we’re conducting on the idea of creative writing and archaeology. Programmed in conjunction with the OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE exhibition at NERAM. Facilitators: Dr Ariella Van Luyn – Lecturer, Creative Writing at UNE Dr Alina Kozlovski – Lecturer, Digital Innovation (Ancient History and Archaeology) at UNE and co-curator of OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE Cost: Free, bookings essential Participants under the age of 18 need to be accompanied by an adult. Book here:
Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse 20th Anniversary and Open Day
8am - 10pm Join us to mark the 20th Anniversary of the Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse Association. We will be celebrating these magnificent horses and reflecting on the remarkable achievements of our association in preserving this unique breed over the past two decades. Come together at the Ebor Sportsgrounds for a day filled with demonstrations, education, a little healthy competition, as we highlight the unique qualities and nature of the Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse. If you are lucky enough to own one, bring along your branded Guy Fawkes Heritage Horse and join in the fun!
Making Beautiful Mosaics
10am - 3pm Mosaic is the art of creating stunning works of art with an assemblage of small pieces of broken crockery, colored glass, stone, tiles or other material on a base of your choosing. Learn the basics of cutting, glueing & grouting as you create a beautiful mosaic garden pot using recycled tiles, broken vases, old crockery, glass and/or mirror. As a starter piece for beginners you are asked to bring a 25 -30cm terracotta garden pot to mosaic. This will add colour to your garden. Once the beginner pot is finished we can move on to a base of your choosing for the second project. Tess has been playing with mosaics and teaching classes for over twenty years. Workshops will be held at her private studio in Armidale. For more information:
Collage Art - Oct (2nd last one for 2024)
1.30pm - 4.30pm @ Get Framed Armidale Last Collage Art workshop for 2024. Create some collage art with Kimmie - Free style. Choose from various images to create your own unique Collage Artwork. Come and enjoy some creative time-out, food for the soul in our lovely gallery space. Upon arrival, enjoy a complimentary beverage and nibbles to get your inner artist groove on. “I love intuitively creating collages! It is truly my favourite art form because it is so easy, efficient, fun and expressive. Creating an intuitive collage simply involves cutting out, gluing and assembling various images to create a brand new picture. An intuitive collage does not need to make rational sense. When I create collage, I quiet my mind, choose imagery from my heart, and just play”. - Shelley Klammer Purchase tickets via our website: __________ Please note: • This workshop is limited to 10 participants only. • All materials supplied.
Living the Tradition
7pm - 9pm Experience the transcendent and deeply moving fusion of Celtic, Classical, Jazz, and World genres with Ilse De Ziah cello, and Ian Date, guitar. Their performances are exciting, captivating audiences with unparalleled artistry and soul-stirring melodies.
Armidale Farmers Market
8:30am - 12:30pm Join us and buy fresh, seasonal produce, home-made gourmet food, and plants. Or grab a hot cup of coffee, a bite to eat and relax under a shady tree in the park. What: Armidale Farmers Market When: 8:30am-12:30pm (Second Sunday of each month) Where: Curtis Park
International Recycling Event
11am - 1pm Join us for an enriching experience at International Recycling Event, an online event where you can delve into the latest industry developments, connect with professionals, and gain valuable insights into the future of sustainable energy. Join us on Monday, 14-15 October 2024, from 11:00AM-1:00pm CET (10AM-12Pm GMT). Our Recycling Meet 2024 Event is your gateway to understanding this dynamic sector, this informative occasion will run for a duration of up to 2 hours, bringing together experts, industry enthusiasts, and thought leaders. The event is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the field. Website: Email:
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
ArtsNational Lecture: Matisse: Simple Beauty
6pm - 7:30pm VENUE: Michael Hoskins Centre, The Armidale School, 89 Douglas Street (enter from Chapel Street). TIME: 6.00pm sharp. COST: $25 (per lecture - includes supper), $150 (annual subscription for 10 lectures) - available from (50¢ booking fee applies). For more information phone 0460 649 700, or email Matisse: Simple Beauty - Paul Chapman (UK) Matisse is regarded as one of the artists who best helped to define the revolutionary developments in the visual arts throughout the opening decades of the twentieth century. During WWI he moved from Paris to the South of France, where his work became more figurative and traditional. He was heralded as an upholder of the French Classical tradition and in later age he had a second flourish as an avant-garde artist. Paul Chapman is an art historian and a National Gallery trained guide with many years of experience working in education. His book examines the subject of cultural
Community Grant Writing Workshop
9am - 12 noon @ Armidale Regional Airport Conference Room Are you a community group, sporting/other club, not-for-profit arts/cultural/other organisation, or an individual seeking funding for your community project? Armidale Regional Council is hosting a Community Grant Writing workshop just for you! Margot Davis will share her expertise, practical knowledge, and strategies to help you win your next grant! Margot is an Economic Development Practitioner, Marketing and Place-making expert. She has written many successful grants, tenders and proposals. Please register here:
Making Beautiful Mosaics
10am - 3pm Mosaic is the art of creating stunning works of art with an assemblage of small pieces of broken crockery, colored glass, stone, tiles or other material on a base of your choosing. Learn the basics of cutting, glueing & grouting as you create a beautiful mosaic garden pot using recycled tiles, broken vases, old crockery, glass and/or mirror. As a starter piece for beginners you are asked to bring a 25 -30cm terracotta garden pot to mosaic. This will add colour to your garden. Once the beginner pot is finished we can move on to a base of your choosing for the second project. Tess has been playing with mosaics and teaching classes for over twenty years. Workshops will be held at her private studio in Armidale. For more information:
Tour de Rocks/19 for 19 Walk
6am - 12pm Tour de Rocks (19 for 19 Committee) are delighted to announce a new 'exclusive access' 19km for this year's 2024 19 for 19 walk. In keeping with the spectacular New England gorge country, this year the walk will encompass three stunning properties, "Victoria Park", "Mt McDonald" and "By Gorge", each with unique vistas across the escarpment to the finish line at the magnificent Dangars Falls. Why not grab some friends and consider a team! All funds raised go to Children's Cancer Institute's Anya's Wish research project into new treatments for osteosarcoma. Registration is now open for the 2024 Walk. Click the link below and register now! Buses will depart and return from the Visitors Information Centre. No vehicle access.
Kentucky Spring Fair
9am - 1pm Please come along to Kentucky for a day in the country with markets stalls food, coffee & pastries, sausage sizzle, plants, crafts as well as displays from the car club and Antique Machinery collectors. You could combine with Dobson's Distillery for lunch afterward. (note: no fuel available in Kentucky now) Event organised by Kentucky Progress Association
National Seniors Australia Armidale Branch
10am - 12pm National Seniors Armidale Branch meets at the Armidale Bowling Club at 10 am on the third Friday of each month. We have Guest Speakers at every meeting talking about a range of topics. Cost of admission is $6 per person which includes morning tea. National Seniors members, and visitors welcome. Bookings are essential for catering and seating purposes and should be done no later than the Wednesday before the meeting. If you are interested in coming to our meeting please call Bob on 0409 270 634.
Woolshed Series Concert 1 - Mirani
3pm - 5.30pm New England Conservatorium of Music's Woolshed Series presents spectacular springtime concerts in three iconic woolsheds to celebrate the new England's unique identity and rich cultural heritage, past and present. Join us in our 20th anniversary year for this unforgettable series which showcases both our regional's wealth of musical talent and the impressive pastoral heritage of the new England. Tickets will be available on trybooking
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
39th Packsaddle Fundraising Exhibition at NERAM
An annual selling exhibition of artwork from well-known and emerging Australian artists. Large collection of paintings, limited edition prints, pottery, sculpture and works on paper. All proceeds support New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM)! More about Packsaddle:
Sunday Markets in the Mall
8am - 1pm Experience live music and a variety of stalls offering a huge range of quality handmade and handcrafted items, cupcakes, candles, bath and body products, skincare and makeup, handmade clothing, bags, shoes, linen, pottery, woodwork, plants, art, homewares, toys, puppets, stamping and scrap booking plus so much more.
New England Sings!
11am - 2:30pm New England Sings! is New England Conservatorium's (NECOM's) nationally acclaimed, award-winning choral showcase bringing together over 900 students from across the New England region, accompanied by an 80-piece orchestra. In 2024 we will premiere two new Australian choral works commissioned especially for the 20th anniversary of NECOM. In the lead up to the event, participating schools are supported with free choral workshops delivered by NECOM with remote schools receiving travel assistance to attend the final rehearsals and performance. Tickets: will be available on trybooking
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
The NEGF New England Garden Trail
9am - 2pm The inaugural New England Garden Trail, organised by the New England Garden Festival, will travel across the beautiful New England region in six days, opening approx. 18 cold climate gardens for the public. Each town will open their 3 gardens between 9am-2pm and Walcha is the first on Thursday 31st October, 2024. Visitors are encouraged to stay in each town the night before to make most use of the gardens' opening hours. When the gardens close, visitors are encouraged to visit the locally recommended 'hot spots' from each town before moving on to the next town. It will be every gardeners favourite pastime over 6 days in the glorious New England. Specific garden details will be published closer to the event. Dates of the Garden Trail: 31st Oct Walcha 1st Nov Uralla 2/3rd Nov Armidale - New England Garden Festival 4th Nov Guyra 5th Nov Glen Innes and finishing on 6th Nov in Tenterfield.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
The New England Garden Festival
9am - 2pm The New England Garden Festival encompasses the New England region and celebrates the love of gardening and the wonderful gardens that have been created in this cool climate. It is an inclusive Festival of all ages and all nationalities. Activities will include iGardens for the community to visit and be inspired with ideas, competition winning gardens, workshops and demonstrations at the Armidale racecourse. We do hope you will come!
Collage Art - Nov (Last one for 2024)
1.30pm - 4.30pm @ Get Framed Armidale Last Collage Art workshop for 2024. $79pp Create some collage art with Kimmie - Free style. Choose from various images to create your own unique Collage Artwork. Come and enjoy some creative time-out, food for the soul in our lovely gallery space. Upon arrival, enjoy a complimentary beverage and nibbles to get your inner artist groove on. “I love intuitively creating collages! It is truly my favourite art form because it is so easy, efficient, fun and expressive. Creating an intuitive collage simply involves cutting out, gluing and assembling various images to create a brand new picture. An intuitive collage does not need to make rational sense. When I create collage, I quiet my mind, choose imagery from my heart, and just play”. - Shelley Klammer Purchase tickets via our website: __________ Please note: • This workshop is limited to 10 participants only. • All materials supp
Woolshed Series Concert 2 - Deeargee
3pm - 5.30pm New England Conservatorium of Music's Woolshed Series presents spectacular springtime concerts in three iconic woolsheds to celebrate the new England's unique identity and rich cultural heritage, past and present. Join us in our 20th anniversary year for this unforgettable series which showcases both our regional's wealth of musical talent and the impressive pastoral heritage of the new England. Tickets will be available on trybooking
Armidale Can Assist - Melbourne Cup Luncheon
11am - 3pm @ Armidale Golf Club Please join Armidale Can Assist at this year's Melbourne Cup Luncheon fundraiser from 11am, Tuesday 5 November at the Armidale Golf Club. Tickets are $90pp Includes Champagne upon arrival, 2 course meal, red and white wine on tables There will be Fashion on the field - best dressed prizes, sweeps and raffles and a charity auction. Please contact Annette for tickets and any dietary requirements. Call 0418 688 728 | | RSVP 27.10.24 Please note: tickets can be collected from Concepts of Armidale.
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Black Gully Festival
10am - 8pm The always highly anticipated Black Gully Festival is set to kick off on Saturday, November 11th, 2023, in the scenic Black Gully Reserve (behind NERAM on the south side of the creek). This free, family-friendly event celebrates the vibrant spirit of Armidale as the weather warms up, offering a day filled with music, art, environmental and community engagement. The festival promises an entertaining experience for attendees of all ages.
Armidale Farmers Market
8:30am - 12:30pm Join us and buy fresh, seasonal produce, home-made gourmet food, and plants. Or grab a hot cup of coffee, a bite to eat and relax under a shady tree in the park. What: Armidale Farmers Market When: 8:30am-12:30pm (Second Sunday of each month) Where: Curtis Park
Woolshed Series Concert 3 - Cressbrook
3pm - 5.30pm New England Conservatorium of Music's Woolshed Series presents spectacular springtime concerts in three iconic woolsheds to celebrate the new England's unique identity and rich cultural heritage, past and present. Join us in our 20th anniversary year for this unforgettable series which showcases both our regional's wealth of musical talent and the impressive pastoral heritage of the new England. Tickets will be available on trybooking
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
ArtsNational Lecture: Building a Collection
5:30pm - 7pm VENUE: Michael Hoskins Centre, The Armidale School, 89 Douglas Street (enter from Chapel Street). TIME: 5.30pm sharp. COST: $25 (per lecture - includes supper), $150 (annual subscription for 10 lectures) - available from (50¢ booking fee applies). For more information phone 0460 649 700, or email Building a Collection - Leigh Capel (AUS) This lecture will explain the processes of acquiring art, building a collection and navigating the art world. Find out the basic principles to consider as well as what types of art or situations to avoid. There will be insights into condition and restoration and how it affects value, and ways to detect fakes and forgeries. Cycles and changing tastes over time will also be covered. Leigh Capel has been working in the art and antique industry as a valuer and specialist since 2013 and then involved with supplying art and furniture to the Australian film and television industry.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
National Seniors Australia Armidale Branch
10am - 12pm National Seniors Armidale Branch meets at the Armidale Bowling Club at 10 am on the third Friday of each month. We have Guest Speakers at every meeting talking about a range of topics. Cost of admission is $6 per person which includes morning tea. National Seniors members, and visitors welcome. Bookings are essential for catering and seating purposes and should be done no later than the Wednesday before the meeting. If you are interested in coming to our meeting please call Bob on 0409 270 634.
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Hannah's Story: dinner
6pm - 9pm Save the date Dinner 22 November 2024 from 6.00 pm with seating for dinner at 6.30 pm. The Zonta Club of Armidale invites you to join Michael Jey, DV Prevention Educator, for dinner as he recounts the story of Hannah Clarke and her children and the positive steps that have come out of the tragedy of their deaths. Hannah Clarke and her three children, Aaliyah, 6, Laianah, 4, and Trey, 3, lost their lives as a result of domestic violence on 19 February 2020. To honour their memories, Small Steps 4 Hannah was established to educate children and support victims and their families to take small, but vital, steps to H.A.L.T the cycle of domestic violence and support those affected by it around Australia. Tickets available soon. Sponsored by Zonta Club of Armidale Inc Em:
Hannah's Story: free workshop
9:30am - 12pm A free interactive educational workshop developed to help identify the red flags and early warning signs of coercive control behaviours. The program will explain coercive control and the red flags that are hidden in plain sight for so many. It is an opportunity to unite the community, connect your organisation and, through awareness, build advocacy and ultimately create change. Key focus areas • Educating leaders, workplaces and communities about coercive control • Sharing raw and real experiences from the Clarke family • Ensuring each participant has a voice and can take part in a safe way • Committed to engaging learners in coercive control and domestic violence prevention • Promoting self-reflection, tapping into you intuition and building knowledge Contact: Zonta Club of Armidale Inc
Haydn's Creation - Let there be light!
3:30pm - 5:30pm The Armidale Choral Society and the Armidale Symphony Orchestra present Haydn's Creation - Let there be Light! Conducted by Graham Maddox Location: TAS Memorial Hall The Armidale School This epic choral work is not to be missed
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Guyra Rotary Christmas Carnival
5pm-8pm Rotary is thrilled to announce the return of the Guyra Christmas Carnival. Get ready for a festive extravaganza that will transform the heart of Guyra into a magical wonderland for residents and visitors to enjoy.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Armidale Christmas Festival
4.30pm - 8.30pm Get ready to experience the magic of Christmas in Armidale! More details soon!
Lampshade Making with Ellie (PegLegFrida)
10am - 2pm @ Get Framed Armidale Make your Lampshade with Ellie from PegLegFrida - $120pp Enjoy some creative time which is good for the soul in our beautiful gallery space. Create your own 30cm diameter lamp shade using fabric of your choice to match your home decor or create a statement piece to treasure. Please bring: • a light to medium weight cotton, linen, cotton drill or polyester cotton to use. • you will need 42x14 inches of fabric. Fabric in a directional pattern will need to work in a landscape orientation (across, not up and down). • please note, fabrics with a very loose weave or coarse or uneven grains or texture are not really suitable. • trims for some decadence, you will need 42 inches in length. This is optional. Fabric kits will be available on the day to purchase if required. Purchase tickets via our website: ——————- Please note: • Complimentary beverage and nibbles upon arrival. • Please
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
UNE Summer Graduation - Faculty of Medicine and Health
On Thursday 5 December at 10:30am (AEDT), the University of New England will be hosting the Summer Graduation (conferral of awards) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Awards. Graduation Ceremonies can be viewed live via UNE Facebook and UNE YouTube on the day of the event, as well the Your Graduation Ceremony webpage. Summer Graduation ceremonies will be held from Thursday 5 December to Saturday 7 December 2024 on the lawns of Booloominbah. For those travelling to Armidale for the occasion, UNE has created a Town with Gown guide to accommodation, hospitality venues and attractions focused on the Armidale region.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
UNE Summer Graduation - Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law
On Friday 6 December at 10:30am (AEDT), the University of New England will be hosting the Summer Graduation (conferral of awards) for the Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law Awards. Graduation Ceremonies can be viewed live via UNE Facebook and UNE YouTube on the day of the event, as well the Your Graduation Ceremony webpage. Summer Graduation ceremonies will be held from Thursday 5 December to Saturday 7 December 2024 on the lawns of Booloominbah. For those travelling to Armidale for the occasion, UNE has created a Town with Gown guide to accommodation, hospitality venues and attractions focused on the Armidale region.
UNE Summer Graduation - Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education
On Saturday 7 December at 10:30am (AEDT), the University of New England will be hosting the Autumn Graduation (conferral of awards) for the Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education (HASSE). Graduation Ceremonies can be viewed live via UNE Facebook and UNE YouTube on the day of the event, as well the Your Graduation Ceremony webpage. Summer Graduation ceremonies will be held from Thursday 5 December to Saturday 7 December 2024 on the lawns of Booloominbah. For those travelling to Armidale for the occasion, UNE has created a Town with Gown guide to accommodation, hospitality venues and attractions focused on the Armidale region.
Armidale Farmers Market
8:30am - 12:30pm Join us and buy fresh, seasonal produce, home-made gourmet food, and plants. Or grab a hot cup of coffee, a bite to eat and relax under a shady tree in the park. What: Armidale Farmers Market When: 8:30am-12:30pm (Second Sunday of each month) Where: Curtis Park
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Armidale Amblers
8:30am Join us on Wednesday mornings! Armidale Amblers is a group of friendly people who walk together on Wednesday mornings for fitness and companionship. There is no committee and no membership fee. There are slow, medium, and faster walkers who walk varying distances. All ages are welcome. Just come along! Walks commence from the shelter in the Visitor Information Centre car park. Starting time is 8:30 am in Daylight Savings Time and 9:00 am other times. Just turn up to see who is there. A list of walks is available with approximate distances. Some of the walkers have morning tea together at a local cafe/club after the walk to continue the companionship. Again, all are welcome. For more information, turn up Wednesday morning at 8.30am during Daylight Savings and 9.00am when not DST.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
Thursday Night Singles Tennis
5.45pm - 8.30pm Come and enjoy a competitive game of tennis at all levels. Challenge yourself each week with like minded people in a relaxed environment. New players are always welcome. Please SMS or call Michael Gregg on 0474 765 273. Alternatively turn up at 5.45pm on a Thursday and check it out.
The New England Autumn Garden Trail
9am The inaugural New England AUTUMN Garden Trail, organised by the New England Garden Festival, will travel across the beautiful New England region in six days, opening approx. 18 cold climate gardens for the public. Each town will open their 3 gardens between 9am-2pm and Walcha is the first on Thursday 3rd April, 2025. Visitors are encouraged to stay in each town the night before to make most use of the gardens' opening hours. When the gardens close, visitors are encouraged to visit the locally recommended 'hot spots' from each town before moving on to the next town. It will be every gardeners favourite pastime over 6 days in the glorious New England. Specific garden details will be published closer to the event. Dates of the Garden Trail: 3 Apr Walcha 4 Apr Uralla 5 Apr Armidale Autumn Festival 6 Apr Armidale - New England Garden Festival 7 Apr Guyra 8 Apr Glen Innes and finishing on 9 Apr in Tenterfield. Photo courtesy of local photographer, Michael Hu
Armidale Autumn Festival
The Armidale Autumn Festival is a showcase of Armidale local talent and of course the magnificent autumnal colour. Local organisations will showcase their talent via a street parade, including pipe bands, school musicals, school bands, New England Conservatorium of Music, aboriginal dancers, UNE colleges, highland dancers and more. There will be food trucks to tempt the fussiest eaters, and entertainment throughout the afternoon. Come on down and celebrate the Armidale community spirit at the Armidale Autumn Festival.
New England Autumn Garden Trail
9am - 2pm The inaugural New England Autumn Garden Trail, organised by the New England Garden Festival will travel across the beautiful New England region in six days, opening approx. 18 cold climate gardens to the public. Each town will open their 3 gardens between 9am-2pm and Walcha is the first date on Thursday 1st May, 2024. Visitors are encouraged to stay in each town the night before to make most use of the gardens' opening hours. When the gardens close, visitors are encouraged to visit the locally recommended 'hot spots' from each town before moving on to the next town. It will be every gardeners favourite pastime over 6 days in the glorious New England Autumn. Specific garden details will be published closer to the event. 1 May Walcha 2 May Uralla 3 May Armidale Autumn Festival 4 May Armidale 5 May Guyra 6 May Glen Innes 7 May Tenterfield
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