Plant Material Source Form

Terms and conditions of PLANT MATERIAL disposal at Armidale Waste Management Facility

I the undersigned, will lawfully dispose of plant material in accordance with the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) regulation 2014.

I will advise the Council if any pesticides have been applied to the plant material. This will include details of the pesticides used.

No soil is attached to the plant material.

Photo ID (drivers licence) will be provided when entering the Armidale Waste Management Facility.

Whilst on site I will fully comply with the Armidale Waste Management Facility site operational and safety rules and I will follow any lawful instructions from staff.

I am aware that the site Manager or their delegate at their total discretion may reject unsuitable loads (i.e. those containing asbestos, preserved wood, glass, metal, plastic or polystyrene)

Please type your signature

Please sign here

Mandatory field(s) marked with *
Download the Plant Material Source Form here (PDF 242.6KB).