eBooks, eAudiobooks, Magazines, Newspapers, movies and more

We offer a range of free online resources for members to be informed, connected and entertained! They are available 24/7 and include eBooks, eAudio, newspaper, magazines, movies, documentaries and music to view on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Check out our wide range of eResources below!

cloudLibrary NewsStand

Stay entertained and informed with the world’s largest catalogue of digital magazines and newspapers delivered directly to your devices. Instantly access 7,000 titles in more than 60 languages when you download cloudLibrary NewsStand.

If you don't have an account, create one by:

1. Clicking on "Not Registered? Create an Account"

2. Enter your name, email address, and password

3. Select "Australia" in the drop down list

4. Select "Armidale Regional Council Library"

You can also download the app, available from the Apple App Store and the Google PlayStore. 


Cloud News Stand


Download and enjoy eBooks and eAudiobooks. Its constantly expanding list of titles includes many new releases.

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Indyreads TM

Get access to a statewide collection of independent Australian and international titles, classic literature and modern award-winning titles in eBook and eAudio format. 



Stream movies and documentaries. Includes more than 1000 children's movies, classic titles and Australian films.

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