
As Early Childhood Educators we believe:

  1. That positive, genuine and trusting relationships are the foundation to success. Relationships with children that are based on respect, compassion, support, honesty and fairness, allow for children to feel safe, secure and supported in the early childhood setting. When children are confident in their surroundings they interact, engage, feel belonging and have a sense of ownership for both themselves and their surroundings.Positive and genuine relationships build self-esteem in children and allow educators to develop a true understanding of child’s interests, needs and development. We endeavour to foster decision making, confidence, independences, resilience’s and autonomy in each child and ask for them to show respect, empathy and understanding of others at all times.
  2. Positive and encouraging communication both verbal and nonverbal with children and families is essential.Listen to what is spoken, reflect upon what is said and respond with class, dignity and thoughtfulness. Use clear, direct and meaningful communication to convey thoughts and be mindful of body language, tone and pitch of voice and use eye contact. To develop and sustain strong relationships it is imperative for all stakeholders to communicate honestly and positively and at an age appropriate manner. Encourage children and families to express themselves freely, appreciate and utilise other perspectives.
  3. To support the individual rights of each and every child in relation to the United Nation Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Recognise, Embrace, encourage children to actively pursue their rights. Treat and respect each child as an individual and celebrate their difference, strengths and varying learning journeys in each child. Children are equally contributing humans and their voices are just as important as adults. Value their abilities, thoughts, interests and rights and encourage them to be advocates for themselves to build autonomy and resilience. Also reflect upon the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics to guide practices within the service.
  4. Embrace, encourage and inclusion all different cultures and diversity within communities. To have equity of regardless of race, gender, back grounds, cultures, beliefs or abilities. All stakeholders are recognised an equals and supported in the setting. Culture and diversity is recognised through a holistic curriculum and inclusion of varied ways of life. Inclusive practise are imbedded to support and provide equality to all children and families with additional needs. Local Indigenous families, traditions, histories and custodians are acknowledge, valued and imbedded in everyday practices. Through play, we endeavour to encourage co-operation, consideration, self-motivation and un-biased attitudes.We encourage allowances to be made for diversity and understand different perspectives. Meet individual needs through creating a diverse and unbiased curriculum and environment.
  5. It is important to be involved in the local community and connect to children’s worlds. To provide access and support children to engage into their communities, become aware of the world around them and be seen as the future generations. To advocate for young children in the community and propel them to be a recognised importance of the community and world. Family involvement in the Early Childhood Setting is essential to strengthen relationships, build inclusive and rich curriculums and thoroughly know and understand children. We ask that families are active in providing input into all aspects of their children’s day. All stakeholders are encouraged and invited to reflect upon policies, procedures and ongoing QIP. Stakeholder’s participation is desired for ongoing changes, improvements and development.
  6. In a play based learning environment, children express themselves freely, make own decisions, determine and push own boundaries, not conform to ideals and grow and learn at their own pace. For children to explore and discover through self-selected experiences and learn life skills through play. Using the EYLF, developmental outcomes, National Quality Standards and continuous cycle of planning and curriculum to enhance children’s imagination, activities, involvement and increase their ZPD, by focusing on their strengths and interests and following childrens lead. Through dramatic and creative experiences children are encouraged to express themselves and develop an appreciation of the creativity of others.To provide opportunities for discovery learning through self-selected experiences. We encourage the development of children‘s abilities to observe, perceive, explore, investigate, imagine and problem solve. This promotes independent learning and responsibility.
  7. That the natural environment and play spaces children engage with can be the third teacher. In sustainable, ecofriendly environments that promote sensory discovery include open ended resources and promote free play, children learn from their environment. We believe that children need to be aware of the effects they have on the environment and how it can affect the future. Imbedding daily sustainable practises involves children and establishes the cause and effect of their actions on the environment. Children are capable of caring for living things and centre pets, gardening practices and ecofriendly living builds ownership and care for Mother Nature.
  8. It is imperative for children to play, learn and grow in a safe, secure environment, both physically and emotionally. The wellbeing of children is of the utmost importance as children cannot grow, learn, play and develop to the full potential without firstly being safe, healthy and a positive wellbeing. Children in happy, safe, healthy and supportive environments and relationship will feel free to take risks, speak their minds and explore. Educators need to provide physically safe play spaces, emotionally and mentally safe relationships and support healthy and safe home environments. We also promote healthy eating practices and promote physical activity, Educators led by example using the Munch and Move program.
  9. Educators must be passionate, innovative, creative, dedicated, self-reflective and always open to further professional development. In the ever changing early Childhood Industry Educators benefit from ongoing training to update their knowledge, skills and keep their passion for the job alive. Educators are role models to children are must conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner at all times.