Water & Sewage DSP's

Development Servicing Plan (DSP) for Water and Sewer [Section 64]

Section 64 of the Local Government Act 1993 enables a local government council to levy developer charges for water supply and sewerage. 

A Development Servicing Plan (DSP) is a document which details the water supply and sewerage developer charges that may be levied on development areas served by Armidale Regional Council.

Former Armidale Dumaresq Plan:

Development Servicing Plan for Water and Sewerage - Amended July 2009 (PDF 10.1MB)

Former Guyra Shire Plan:

Guyra Development Servicing Plan for Water 2015 (PDF 683.7KB)

Guyra Development Servicing Plan for Sewer 2015 (PDF 3MB)

Current pricing per Equivalent Tenement (ET) can be found in our fees and charges. These pricings are subject to indexation at the commencement of each financial year.